Soil’s Power as a Climate Solution Has Often Been Overlooked. Until Now

Time Magazine:

Jennifer Fergesen
October 21, 2022

Young wheat grows in parched soil on a field during very dry weather on April 27, 2020 near Luckau, Germany. Credit – Sean Gallup—Getty Images


One of the most significant carbon sinks on the planet is right below your feet. Soil, that layer of organic material and crushed-up rock that covers much of the terrestrial earth like a chocolate coating, contains about 2,500 billion metric tons of carbon. It’s the second-biggest carbon sink on the planet after the ocean, currently holding about three times as much carbon as the atmosphere. Some scientists and activists think it could do even more.

And increasingly, companies and governments agree. From Ben & Jerry’s to Unilever, companies are calling for more environmentally friendly farming practices as a way to meet net-zero goals. Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Agriculture last year announced it would be investing $10 million to better monitor and measure soil’s carbon sequestration under its Conservation Reserve Program.

“Soil is the foundation of human civilization,” says Jeff Creque, director of rangeland and agroecosystem management at the Carbon Cycle Institute, an environmental organization based in California working to boost the carbon-sequestering power of soil and other natural carbon sinks. “We don’t have agriculture without fertile soils, and we don’t have fertile soils without carbon rich-soils.”

The Role of Soil
Carbon in soil takes two forms: organic (derived from living things) and inorganic. Inorganic carbon comes from carbon-containing rocks like limestone, marble, and chalk, which are most common in desert soils, as well as reactions between atmospheric carbon dioxide and minerals in the soil. But the majority of the carbon contained in soil is organic, and it’s this organic material that sets it apart from lifeless dirt.

Plants are the main source of organic carbon in soil and the main bridge carbon takes between the atmosphere and the earth. They absorb carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates they use for energy and to build their bodies. When plants die or shed leaves, petals, or other debris, the decomposers that live in the soil below consume them; they also eat the carbon-containing mucilage (a thick, gluey secretion) that roots exude while they’re alive.

The decomposers will re-release some of the carbon back into the atmosphere as they respirate; this carbon spends only a short amount of time in the soil. But several mechanisms can draw the carbon deeper into the soil, where it can be sequestered for years, decades, or longer. Rain, for example, can dissolve some carbon compounds and carry them deep into the groundwater. Mycorrhizal fungi, which form a symbiotic relationship with plants, carry carbon along their deep, rootlike hyphae and secrete compounds that help glue it in place.

And some carbon compounds can bind with the minerals in clay, a form of carbon sequestration that can last hundreds or even thousands of years. This chemically bonded carbon is part of soil’s stable carbon pool, together with carbon that has traveled deep enough in the soil (about 1 meter) to avoid being consumed and respirated into the atmosphere. (Carbon can also be sequestered long-term in frozen soil, as in the permafrost.)

How Farming Impacts Soil Health
All of these mechanisms are most effective in healthy, minimally disturbed soil with plenty of organic material from a thriving community of living things. Unfortunately, there’s less and less of this kind of soil left on the planet. Some of the most significant remaining swaths of soil are controlled by agriculture, which covers about 38% of the global land surface. But standard agricultural practices like tilling disrupt the downward path of carbon, exposing once-sequestered organic compounds to the air and allowing carbon to escape into the atmosphere.

That’s where regenerative agriculture, sometimes called carbon farming, comes in. This approach to agriculture focuses on restoring and maintaining soil health through a holistic set of practices, including reducing tilling, composting farm waste, and planting plots with cover crops such as clover so they continue receiving carbon when they aren’t being used for other things. In addition to absorbing more carbon, proponents say this approach can help recharge groundwater, prevent pests, and increase crop yields.

Regenerative agriculture is based on practices far older than modern industrial farming, championed in recent years by activists like Robert Rodale of the Rodale Institute and Allan Savory of The Savory Institute. Their initial acolytes tended to be small, experimental farmers and organic producers. But in the past decade, several multinational corporations have announced goals to adopt regenerative agriculture practices, including Unilever, PepsiCo, and General Mills. These commitments help corporations toward their net-zero goals, in addition to protecting their supply chains against the effects of global warming, drought, and desertification.

Using Soil as the Solution
Some corporate advocates of regenerative farming, including Ben & Jerry’s and Timberland, have formed a coalition with farmers to lobby Congress to include funds to support regenerative agriculture in the 2023 Farm Bill. This coalition, Regenerate America, argues in its policy recommendations that regenerating the soil can impact not only the climate but also rural economies, communities, and health outcomes.

Some farmers and scientists are experimenting with soil additives, called amendments, to further boost soil’s carbon-sequestering potential in conjunction with regenerative agriculture. One of the most promising amendments is rock dust. While most of the more familiar soil amendments, like compost and manure, boost the organic pathways for carbon to enter the soil, rock dust also jumpstarts the inorganic pathways.

The soil amendment currently garnering the most buzz may be rock dust, though it’s far from a new technology. “Rock dust has been applied to lands at a large scale for many years because farmers knew that ground-up rock holds important mineral nutrients for plants,” says Whendee Silver, a professor of ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry at University of California, Berkeley. It’s been used in Europe since at least the late 19th century, when the German doctor Julius Hensel published the book “Bread From Stones” advocating for what he called “stonemeal manure” made from igneous rocks, which form through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava.

Today, researchers are experimenting primarily with crushed basalt, an igneous rock rich in minerals including iron, magnesium, and calcium—similar in composition to the rock found in the famously fertile soils that surround volcanoes. Basalt is one of the most common rocks in the upper layers of the earth’s crust, and mining operations bring up huge amounts of it as they search for more profitable things underneath. “​​Putting that material out onto soils is a win-win as long as the material is safe,” Silver says—that is, not contaminated with heavy metals or other toxic substances.

In the presence of water, the magnesium and calcium in the basalt react with the carbon in the atmosphere and soil to form bicarbonates, which can remain dissolved in the groundwater or eventually precipitate out as a solid. This makes the carbon unavailable for decomposers, so it won’t be respirated back into the atmosphere. Basalt also contains minerals like potassium and phosphorus that are essential for plants, which can help increase crop yields—and healthy plants absorb more carbon.

Another soil amending technology is biochar, a black substance made by applying heat to plant matter in a low-oxygen environment. Creating biochar releases less carbon dioxide than burning plants or allowing them to decay, two of the usual routes to get rid of the inedible parts of crops, grass, or trees that farmers clear to plant new fields.

About 50% of the carbon in the plants remains trapped in the biochar, which can then be added to soil to boost water retention and fertility. This method has been promoted as a more technologically feasible and localized alternative to carbon capture and sequestration technology; consumers can already buy cookstoves to make their own biochar at home.

“At this point in our history, we’re looking at every possible strategy,” says Creque. “The beauty of terrestrial sequestration … is that we see this enormous raft of co-benefits that emerges with those strategies.”

—With reporting by Jennifer Junghans

This article is part of a series on key topics in the climate crisis for and, a division of TIME that helps companies reduce their impact on the planet. For more information, go to

How 5G reduces emissions and helps U.S. farmers

How 5G reduces emissions and helps U.S. farmers


Agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but 5G innovations can help reduce environmental impact.

Why it’s important: Reductions in GHG emissions are critical to fighting global warming, which has acute implications for food production and supply as the world’s population grows and acres of farmland decrease.

Agriculture accounted for 11% of total emissions in 2020, according to the EPA.

  • This presents a challenge for meeting the Biden Administration’s goal of cutting GHG emissions in half by 2030 and reaching net zero by 2050.

Okay, but: 5G-enabled farming can reduce carbon emissions by 27.8 million metric tons annually, according to Accenture.

  • That’s equivalent to removing emissions from burning 30.7 billion pounds of coal during that same period.

How it’s done: 5G’s high bandwidth, low latency and support for high device density allows farmers to adopt new connected technologies that:

  • Improve agricultural productivity.
  • Enable precise applications of water and fertilizer.
  • Give farmers key data points about their crops and livestock.
  • Reduce carbon emissions.

Precision agriculture is one 5G-enabled use case changing farming.

IoT devices and sensors can collect and communicate data from the field, so farmers know exactly what their crops need, saving resources and reducing emissions.

An example: At Swans Trail Farms, an apple orchard in Snohomish County, Wash., cutting-edge 5G technology improves efficiency, crop quality, sustainability and food security, according to farmer Nate Krause.

“We’re not going to be able to feed the world unless we can produce more food on less ground,” says Krause.

  • “5G and connectivity will really help farmers get more out of their fields, more production with better quality.”

5G’s high bandwidth, low latency and edge-compute capabilities enable farmers to tap into an ecosystem of connected soil and water sensors throughout the orchard, which relay real-time water and nutrient data from 4,000 trees directly back to a smartphone, so farmers can decide whether to irrigate.

Plant health applications are also getting a boost with 5G.

Here’s how: 5G’s fast speeds allow it to process large amounts of data which can be used to understand the health of thousands of plants in the field.

EarthSense’s TerraSentia autonomous robot can scan up to 10 plants per second to determine the plant’s height, leaf-area index and other indicators of health.

  • 5G enhances the process with fast speeds and low latency, enabling data to be sent in real time and allowing farmers to manage crops more efficiently.

What you’re missing: 5G monitoring doesn’t stop at plants. Farmers can also track and assess their livestock with the help of 5G.

In southwest England, cows at the Agricultural Engineering Precision Innovation Centre wear 5G smart collars and ear tags that track their health.

The impact: Their collars allow them to enter the milking area on their own and be fitted with custom settings for the milking machine.

  • The cows choose to be milked more often than on a typical dairy farm, producing up to 20% more milk.

Looking ahead: Innovations in the agricultural sector will continue. Tools like 5G-connected autonomous tractors and cellular-connected drones can help change and improve the way farmers work.

The takeaway: 5G paves the way for reduced GHG emissions and improved efficiency — benefitting the planet and U.S. farmers.

  • Without 5G-enabled use cases, it is unlikely that the U.S. agricultural sector can reduce emissions enough to meet the Biden Administration’s climate change goals.

Learn more about the benefits of 5G.

Managing Cover Crops Profitably, 3rd Edition Foreword

SARE Outreach
2007 | 244 pages
PDF (5.6 MB) Order in Print $19.00
or call (301) 779-1007 to order.


Managing Cover Crops Profitably cover
Order $19.00
or call to order: (301) 779-1007

Cover crops slow erosion, improve soil, smother weeds, enhance nutrient and moisture availability, help control many pests and bring a host of other benefits to your farm. At the same time, they can reduce costs, increase profits and even create new sources of income. You’ll reap dividends on your cover crop investments for years, because their benefits accumulate over the long term.

Increasing energy costs will have a profound effect on farm economics in coming years. As we go to press, it is impossible to predict how fast energy costs will increase, but since cover crop economics are rooted in nitrogen dynamics (how much N you save or produce with cover crops), fuel costs (the cost of N and trips across the field) and commodity prices, energy prices will certainly impact the economics of cover crop use.

Economic comparisons in the 2nd edition were based on the old economy of two-dollar corn, twenty-cent nitrogen and cheap gas. Some studies showed that cover crops become more profitable as the price of nitrogen increases. We retained some of these excellent studies because data from new studies is not yet available. What we do know is that cover crops can help you to increase yields, save on nitrogen costs, reduce trips across the field and also reap many additional agronomic benefits.

There is a cover crop to fit just about every farming situation. The purpose of this book is to help you find which ones are right for you.

Farmers around the country are increasingly looking at the long-term contributions of cover crops to their whole farm system. Some of the most successful are those who have seen the benefits and are committed to making cover crops work for them. They are re-tooling their cropping systems to better fit cover crop growth patterns, rather than squeezing cover crops into their existing system, time permitting.

This 3rd edition of Managing Cover Crops Profitably aims to capture farmer and other research results from the past ten years. We verified the information from the 2nd edition, added new results and updated farmer profiles and research data throughout. We also added two new chapters.

Brassicas and Mustards lays out the current theory and management of cover crops in the BRASSICACEAE family. Brassica cover crops are thought to play a role in management of nematodes, weeds and disease by releasing chemical compounds from decomposing residue. Results are promising but inconsistent. Try brassicas on small plots and consult local expertise for additional information.

Managing Cover Crops in Conservation Tillage Systems addresses the management complexities of reduced tillage systems. If you are already using cover crops, the chapter will help you reduce tillage. If you are already using conservation tillage, it shows you how to add or better manage cover crops. Cover crops and conservation tillage team up to reduce energy use on your farm and that means more profits.

We have tried to include enough information for you to select and use cover crops appropriate to your operation. We recommend that you define your reasons for growing a cover crop—the section, Selecting the Best Cover Crops for Your Farm can help with this—and take as much care in selecting and managing cover crops as you would a cash crop.

Regional and site-specific factors can complicate cover crop management. No book can adequately address all the variables that make up a crop production system. Before planting a cover crop, learn as much as you can from this book and talk to others who are experienced with that cover crop.

We hope that this updated and expanded edition of Managing Cover Crops Profitably will lead to the successful use of cover crops on a wider scale as we continue to increase the sustainability of our farming systems.

Andy Clark, Communications Director
SARE Outreach
June 2007

‘Off the charts’ chemical shortages hit U.S. farms

By Tom Polensk

Soybean fields are inspected as part of University of Wisconsin research trial into whether the weed killer dicamba drifted away from where it was sprayed in Arlington, Wisconsin, U.S., August 2, 2018. REUTERS/Tom Polansek/File Photo

CHICAGO, June 27 (Reuters) – U.S. farmers have cut back on using common weedkillers, hunted for substitutes to popular fungicides and changed planting plans over persistent shortages of agricultural chemicals that threaten to trim harvests.

Spraying smaller volumes of herbicides and turning to less-effective fungicides increase the risk for weeds and diseases to dent crop production at a time when global grain supplies are already tight because the Ukraine war is reducing the country’s exports.

Interviews with more than a dozen chemical dealers, manufacturers, farmers and weed specialists showed shortages disrupted U.S. growers’ production strategies and raised their costs.

Shawn Inman, owner of distributor Spinner Ag Incorporated in Zionsville, Indiana, said supplies are the tightest in his 24-year career.

“This is off the charts,” Inman said. “Everything was delayed, delayed, delayed.”

Shortages further reduce options for farmers battling weeds that developed resistance to glyphosate, the key ingredient in the commonly used Roundup herbicide, after decades of overuse in the United States. 

Prices for glyphosate and glufosinate, another widely used herbicide sold under the brand Liberty, jumped more than 50% from last year, dealers said, padding profit at companies like Bayer AG (BAYGn.DE), BASF SE (BASFn.DE) and Corteva Inc (CTVA.N).

The U.S. Agriculture Department said it heard from farmers and food companies concerned about whether agribusinesses are hiking prices for goods like chemicals, seeds and fertilizer to boost profit, not simply because of supply and demand factors. The agency has launched an inquiry into competition in the sector, and some watchdog groups said it is moving too slowly.

Agrichemical companies blame the COVID-19 pandemic, transportation delays, a lack of workers and extreme weather for shortages. Fertilizer and some seeds are also in short supply globally. read more


More difficulties are on the horizon, as BASF, which formulates glufosinate, told Reuters the supply situation will not improve significantly next year.

“It’s going to take more time than what our customers, farmers and retailers would have thought,” said Scott Kay, vice president of U.S. crops for BASF.

Tennessee farmer Jason Birdsong said he abandoned plans to plant soybeans on 100 acres after waiting months to receive Liberty he ordered from Nutrien Ag Solutions. He ultimately received less than half his order for 125 gallons and planted corn on the land instead. Birdsong said he is better able to control weeds in corn than soybeans.

Read more at the link above~~

Reporting by Tom Polansek in Chicago, Editing by Caroline Stauffer and Matthew Lewis

LAND MATCHING – Center for Rural Affairs

Cait Caughey at

Land matching lets our rural communities have a brighter future, by letting young farmers work the land.  

Land matching keeps our family farms strong. It keeps our rural communities vibrant. It ensures that the American independent farmer is here to stay.


  • gain access to land
  • find help with financing
  • learn from experienced landowners


  • tax incentives and other financial benefits
  • ease transition into retirement
  • ensure the continuity of a farm’s operation and legacy
  • bring fresh energy and strong hands to work on the farm


  • small family farms continue a proud American tradition
  • rural communities thrive with new farm families

Land matching is a great way for new farmers to get started, for retiring farmers to make sure their operation will continue long into the future, and for rural communities to stay strong.

How do matching programs work?

All matching programs work a little differently, but the basics are the same:

  1. Sign up: The program compiles lists of new farmers and of landowners who want to link.
  2. Match time: Usually, the new farmer must contact a landowner.
  3. Talk about it: Both parties get to know each other and decide whether/how to link.

Think before you link: Most application forms ask about participants’ assets, experience, and goals. Both landowners and beginners need to know what they want to get out of a linking relationship before they start trying to work it out with each other. This worksheet for beginners and this worksheet for landowners will help you describe what you’re looking for and what assets you bring to the discussion. Before you link, you should:

  • Know what you want and need
  • Be flexible where you can and firm on what you need

Most programs focus on specific states or regions, so new farmers can find matches in the area where they want to farm. Some matching programs work with farmers nationwide.

Looking for even more opportunities? Use your acquaintance network to build connections in the area you want to farm. Anyone—family, friends, business acquaintances, extension agents, real estate agents, postmasters, feed store staff, and more—can be your “in” to a farm transition opportunity. The more people you build relationships with and the more people know you’re looking for and seriously committed to a farming or ranching opportunity, the better your chance of being in the right place at the right time to access that opportunity.


MSU animal science professor exploring environmental benefits of regenerative agriculture

Michigan State University C.S. Mott Professor of Sustainable Agriculture Jason Rowntree is examining the benefits and applicability of regenerative agriculture-based livestock systems.


Regenerative agriculture is a relatively new approach to livestock farming that emphasizes the reduction of farming inputs and restoring ecosystem services such as soil carbon sequestration and improved water cycling.

“These regenerative agriculture principles suggest that modern livestock systems can be redesigned to better capitalize on animals’ ecological niches as biological up-cyclers and may be necessary to fully regenerate some landscapes,” wrote Rowntree in a paper recently published in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.

“Regenerative agriculture is a newer movement in agriculture with the overarching premise of trying to improve land while simultaneously growing food – meaning its aim is improving the land, improving the ecosystem, and improving productivity with certain ecological boundaries.”

Rowntree worked with Quantis and General Mills, as well as White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, Georgia, to conduct a whole-farm life cycle assessment from grazing land that was originally converted from degraded cropland. The team compared production outputs, greenhouse gas emissions, environmental footprints and soil health outcomes to a conventional, commodity production system of each respective species.

White Oaks Farms transitioned to regenerative agriculture practices in 1995. The 20-year study of the farm’s indicated considerably improvements in soil health and carbon sequestration in a transition from degraded cropland to perennial pasture.

The paper indicates benefits to a multi-species pasture rotation system that raises multiple types of livestock animals. Rowntree said in the context of this experiment, land use should also be considered.

“When comparing required land between the two systems for food production, (the regenerative techniques) required two-and-a-half times more land when compared to business as usual agriculture. Thus, while our model indicates that the farm studied can simultaneously produce protein while regenerating land, considerably greater land area is needed when compared to today’s agriculture,” he said.


Rowntree suggests these types of studies can add to the ongoing conversation around preserving farmland and protecting the environment, while producing food and remaining profitable.

“These complexities must be considered in the global debate of agricultural practice and land,” he said. “Do we throw this system out because it takes more land? No. Do we throw today’s agriculture out because it requires more energy? No. What we do is we try to blend the two and take some of these principles and put them into larger-scale agriculture to get better outcomes.”

~~read more at the link above.


How Soil Microbes Improve Fertilizer Efficiency

By Kaitlyn Ersek on Feb 10, 2022 10:15:00 AM

Did you know, last year the U.S. spent $18.6B (20.5M tons) on fertilizer? Over 60 percent of that fertilizer was used on corn, soybean, wheat, and cotton.  

Yet scientific literature states that over 50% of fertilizer is lost because it becomes tied in the soil, washes off, erodes, or becomes volatilized in the air. That loss equates to $9.3 B USD.  

“The waste is outrageous. And the thing is, soil microbes improve fertilizer efficiency,” explains Dave Stark, P.hD., and President of Agriculture at Holganix, LLC. “Biologically healthy soils create greater corn yields per unit of nitrogen input.”  

In this blog, we discuss how soil microbes improve fertilizer efficiency. Click the link to skip to the topic of your choosing, or continue scrolling to read the full report.  

  1. Higher nitrogen efficiency with higher microbial populations 
  2. What about phosphorus and potassium?
  3. Accessing nutrients via crop residue breakdown 
  4. A note on diversity and microbial inoculants 
  5. Video interview with Dave Stark, Ph.D. on soil microbes and fertilizer efficiency  

Higher Nitrogen Efficiency With Higher Microbial Populations 

A meta-study from Nature Research Scientific Reports reviewed 230 published studies on how microbes interact with fertilizer. According to that study, only 36-42% of the current year’s applied nitrogen goes to the crop (corn, rice, and small grains).  

In fact, soil organic nitrogen turnover (the nitrogen that is mineralized or cycled by microbes) contributes more than the nitrogen we apply to the crop.

And, since microbes increase the soil’s ability to mineralize or cycle nitrogen, the presence of high microbial populations leads to better nitrogen efficiency.  

“Using a microbial and using farming techniques that foster beneficial microbial populations, increases your farm’s ability to use fertilizer efficiency and can reduce the need for fertilizer,” explains Dave.  

“This is so critical to farming today. Fertilizer prices are high. Farmers need an edge to reduce costs and increase their crop productivity.”  


What About Phosphorus And Potassium? 


“The top six inches of soil is abundant in phosphorus and potassium, but extraordinarily little of that phosphorus and potassium is bioavailable,” states Dave. In other words, phosphorus and potassium become bound in the soil and the plant cannot access them.  

Yet, while the plant cannot access these bound nutrients, soil microbes can! Microbes break down phosphorus, potassium, and other micronutrients and feed them back into the plant root.  

This is just another way microbes increase fertilizer efficiency. 


Accessing Nutrients Via Crop Residue Breakdown

In addition to solubilizing and mineralizing nutrients, microbes also make nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium available by breaking down crop residue. Crop residue is filled with valuable nutrients. As an example, corn stover holds about 17 lbs of nitrogen, 4 lbs of phosphorus, and 34 lbs of potassium per ton.  

Having an abundant source of degrading soil microbes allows farmers to use no-till farming techniques to access these nutrients.  


A Note On Diversity And Using Microbial Inoculants 

Microbial inoculants are soil amendments containing microbial species. Most microbial inoculants contain just a handful of bacterial species, while others like, Holganix Bio 800+, contain a large diversity of soil microbe species including bacteria, fungi, and protists.  

Choosing to use a microbial product that contains only a few species of plant growth-promoting bacteria or nutrient solubilizing bacteria might boost root mass or improve the availability of a single nutrient, such as phosphorus. However, products with just a few species of microbes, can’t do everything. Instead, they focus on a narrow piece of the puzzle. For example, a bacteria-only product won’t cycle nitrogen efficiently since bacteria require a lot of nitrogen to grow. Microbes that eat bacteria, namely fungi and protists, require much less nitrogen and cycle it back to the crop. 

With Holganix Bio 800+, growers do not have to choose; over 800 species of bacteria, fungi and protists are present including a broad range of plant growth promoters and nutrient solubilizers. In fact, the microbes in Bio 800+ consume fertilizer and keep it in the root zone, all while cycling nutrients back to the plant so more nutrients go to the crop instead of being lost in the environment.  

Holganix Bio 800+ has consistently given farmers a 2-10x ROthrough increased crop yields and improved fertilizer efficiency. Bio 800+ is a valuable tool that allows growers to back off inputs knowing more of the inputs put down will actually feed the crop. 

When it comes to the turf and ornamental industry, Holganix Bio 800+ has consistently allowed turf managers to reduce their fertilizer use by 50% without sacrificing results. 


Want To Learn More About How Soil Microbes Can Increase Fertilizer Efficiency?  

Watch the webinar recording below for a conversation with Holganix President of Agriculture, Dave Stark, Ph.D. on 

  • How microbes increase nutrient uptake and availability (including phosphorus) 
  • The role of soil microbes in soil health and crop performance 
  • Insights and data from university studies, and Holganix studies, on how microbes increase fertilizer efficiency