Carbon Cycle

Organic carbon storage increases with fertility increase

Many regenerative growers have reported organic matter increases as much as 25% – 35% per year, and sometimes faster.

Sometimes the argument is made that the science doesn’t support the possibility of these rapid organic matter and organic carbon gains, even though they’ve been observed on many different farms, geographies and climates. Data is found at the Agricultural Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, and many state universities and organizations. 


It’s not  that science doesn’t support these rapid organic matter increases. It’s that the science that does describe the capacity for fast increases to occur isn’t widely known.

At the frontiers of agriculture research there are pioneering scientists and growers studying soil, microbiology, and plant interactions from a biophysics and biology perspective, no just a chemistry perspective.

Research has suggested the innovation cycle varies from forty years in government to six months in electronics. The grower may ask themselves how much time they can take to decide on more profitable practices.

How well do you know the carbon market?

             Paddock Puzzles

            Steps in climbing the growth peak

    Grass, pasture, forage, material, hay, graze, feed, turf, browse, etcetera are terms for a very profitable crop. Increasing the resources you already have, raises profits and also reduces inputs. A double increase in profit occurs. Solving these  paddock puzzles pays off. Happy climbing!

                             Some Puzzles

What are the soil fertility profiles?  Haney-type soil testing gives organic carbon levels and more.

What is the basic vegetation plant mix?  Historical mix? You may want to add more species based on soil tests.

What is the basic measurement basis?  Many studies are metric, some use US measures.

What is permeability rate? Soil structure level? Soil moisture? Soil health is primary to success.

What is the total availability of NPK? Can microbes and mycorrhiza plus biochar correct deficiencies?


What is the basic plant community condition? How tall, how dense, how colored, how healthy?

What is the dry weight of the plant community as you measure? What weight after harvest?

What amount of the growth do you want to take? 40% of the total plants is your best general limit.

How to measure the basic community, the growth, the removal? Dry weight samples work.

How much best guess measures can you do? Well, facts are friendly. First, rely on dry weight measures.


How do you manage the grazing? Success can start with careful planning and paddock layout.

What is the best grazing period length?  At peak growth, trial and error to start, with lots of observation.

What is the best measure of grazing pressure?  May be animal weight, grazing rate vs. growth.

What is the best grazing density? Higher seems better, animals eat all plants, keeping quality.

Separate herds? First herd: heifers, late pregnancy cows, cow/calf, weaned calves?

When to push animals out? Grazing animals behave as herds and automated gates seem to work well.


Where are the reasonable paddock boundaries? Uniform areas may indicate predictable growth.

A grazing paddock has water, heat abatement and perhaps supplements. A single electrified wire seems enough.

What is the worst problem? Maybe… overgrazing throws timing of paddock use off, delays use.

What is the best outcome? Every grazing cycle can build more soil fertility, production and profit.

Double cropping?

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