Soil Health

Regenerative Agriculture, resilient communities

Healthy Soil, Healthy Planet 

Both the experience of growers and scientific field trials have proven time and again how important healthy soil is to the effective and profitable cultivation of crops. That cumulative knowledge is the foundation of what’s known as regenerative agriculture.

Growing focused on revitalizing soil health keeps soil ecosystems living at optimum health.. With healthy soils, growers and their customers enjoy a wide range of benefits, including higher yields, improved drought tolerance, and reduced bruising from harvest and handling, and resilient communities can emerge.

To provide these and other benefits, Heliae® Agriculture has developed a unique soil amendment product called PhycoTerra®. Available in conventional and organic formulations, this microalgae-based soil amendment serves as “superfood” for starving soil, increasing helpful microbes by as much as 27 times over a control. Plus, PhycoTerra® soil amendment promotes the development of soil aggregates that improve soil structure and enable fields to absorb more water and transmit it deeper, where it attracts and nourishes plant roots.

Fully soil soluble and seed safe, PhycoTerra® soil amendment is a liquid that’s easy to apply with common tractor implements and irrigation types and doesn’t require soil incorporation. It’s compatible with many conventional and organic fertilizers, and can be water run, used in a starter, or applied as a side-dress application. Any way you introduce it to your fields, it immediately goes to work improving and enhancing the soil microbiome.

Your acreage is your most important and valuable asset. PhycoTerra® supports regenerative agriculture that enables you to produce outstanding harvests in young fields and extend the productivity and viability of older land.

To learn more about Heliae® Agriculture and PhycoTerra®, please visit or call (800) 998-6536.