

 (Where you are the doctor) 
     Microbiologicals help regenerate soil, plant growth and root growth. Biochar offers  biologicals a home, giving them long term protection. You can buy the mixes below through us, based on the information we get from you. Please read the biologicals mix descriptions below and choose the ones you want to buy.    
   Send all your information you want to give us to: info@soilpower.com   We suggest you register as a Cooperator to get more help (see Cooperator Registration).
     We will send you a discounted bid if we can. We can usually get back to you with a bid the next working day (Monday through Friday – USA Pacific Standard Time- PST). If not, we will update you next day. Also, we often give shipping costs. You would then purchase directly from the supplier of the products you select, not from us. We are here to help you be more profitable through cutting input costs and building soil fertility.
   Please read: Some biologicals are perishable above 100 degrees Farenheit. Some packaged mixes are usable one or two years.  Use as directed for best results. 
   Use good unchlorinated water for the mix, pump pressure/nozzle opening ratio adjusted, correct mix screening opening size, mix tank with bottom pump agitation – all this and more such as seed trench closing wheel adjustment, need your attention. Experienced operators can help.  Success requires care.


Please send us your answers to the related questions below at:  info@soilpower.com,    OR –   for Cooperators: cooperator@soilpower.com
          1. How big is the area you want to treat? (Acres, hectares, square miles, etc.)
          2. What are the goals of the treatment? ( Increased fertility, moisture, carbon, etc.)
          3. How fast do you want results? (30, 60, 90 days – 1, 2, 3 years, etc.)
          4. Application methods available to you; seed amount and kinds per acre or hectare.   (No-till seed drill, spray, granular, broadcast,  etc.)
          5. Season needed (Spring, Summer, or Fall; include dates)
          6. Your location?  How to contact? Ship to where?
          7. Lagoon gallons, acre feet, gallons per day, or compost tons or volume
          8. Additional information about your goals…        
          9.  Are you a Fertilok Soilpower Cooperator – Kindly give us your name and address, if so.

Starter:  Mix in a concentrated fertility application with your selected mix or mixes, in a seeding, to help  counter depleted conditions. Use with the seed, to more quickly help the conditions you are correcting with your biological applications. We can show this starter commodity in the bid, related to your information, if you wish. (Add biochar in your application for long term soil improvement in deficient soils)

FORESTRY- Temperate climate

T 1 Mix  New plantation – not currently forested – Broadleaf and orchards, vinyards

      • Micronutrients, biochar and forest microbiologicals  (great for established orchards)

T 2 Mix  New plantation – not currently forested – Needleleaf

      • Micronutrients, coniferous microbiologicals and biochar


G1 Mix  Arid Land – Microbes and mycorrhyza   – Fighting for porosity through soil structure, to allow holding of more moisture – Use with drag harrow, biochar and  multi-species seeding, on loafing areas, trails and openings plus the frequent grazing sites. Use the seed mix for your area  (and make reseeding a routine).

G2 Mix  Clay Dryland – Mycorrhyzia and bacteria – use with drag harrow or low- till planter and biochar

G3 Mix  Temperate Turnaround – In a hurry?  Interseed or sidedress  with biochar and eight covercrops for fast results – makes up for depleted cropland, hopefully…  try one pass application if you have some soil biosolids coverage    See Managing Cover Crops – www.sare.org

CORN – Maize

C 1 Mix  Corn Stob Crumpler – fall or early spring application

      • Microbiologicals digest and produce conversion toward compost, and apply biochar

C 2 Mix  Compaction Fighter – or use with, possibly, a cereal rye plus a roller-crusher application

      • Microbiologicals and fungus (mycorrhyzia) for adding porosity
          • (This includes a sweep blade operation to break existing compaction zones of the row) while adding biochar
          • (and/or deep-rooted plants, radish, buckwheat, sunflower…)


F 1 Mix    General mix of microbes and fungus – Trillions of plant helpers, more soilpower

      • Side dress or pre-plant application (non-chelated) with biochar

F 2 Mix   Crop booster –  Foliar application  For post-emergence reasons of soil or weather or discovered deficiency.   Varies depending on your goals, as stated  to us.


Puget Soundkeepers

L 1 Mix    Specific biosolids storage treatment – reduces nutrient loss, bad bacteria, odor

      • Speed depends on amount of initial application and daily inflow treatment


CP 1 Mix    Quick start compost for your operation, crop waste, canning plant waste etc.    

COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE – CSA  (A. Treats about 5,000 square feet;   B. treats about 45,000 square feet)

CSA 1 Mix   Pre-plant packet – new city soil – jump start the soilpower.  Test for metals if food plants. Add biochar

CSA 2 Mix   Booster packet – open field planting or replant – pre-plant or with planting, adding biochar

CSA 3 Mix   New plot packet –  for vacant lot, old pasture, lawn conversion or lawn etc., adding biochar  (Also in one acre packs)


CR 1  Mix    Soilpower Converter – moving from offsite nutrients to biosolids reuse, opening the door on soilpower growing.  This is actually two mixes, a starter and a soil-builder. Use it in your ordinary operation, or pre-plant or drilled, adding biochar with no-till into roller-crimper cover crops (or after grazing, up to 40%).

CR 2 Mix     Soilpower Turnaround 2 – this is a bigger step toward soilpower increase.  Possibly carbon storage giant radish, fall plant with biochar, cover crops such as cereal rye and field peas (USDA ARS has some edible varieties) in a mix of eight or more species, depending on the N amount you want for your crop plans…                See Managing Cover Crops www.sere.org                                                                                                                    

Try for a Carbon Capture Award:  Just fill out the Soil Health Index and send it to us at:  info@soilpower.com.  Maybe we can award you by email.